• +213 (0) 24 79 52 54
  • fhc@univ-boumerdes.dz
  • Avenue de l'Indépendance, 35000 Boumerdes, ALGERIE


Laboratoire de Fiabilité des Equipements Pétroliers et Matériaux

  • Le laboratoire de recherche de Fiabilité des Equipements Pétroliers et Matériaux (LFEPM) est un laboratoire de recherche universitaire agréé en 2000.
  • Il est rattaché à la Faculté des Hydrocarbures et de la Chimie, Université M’Hamed Bougara de Boumerdès.
  • Il est constitué de cinq (05) équipes de recherche dont les activités sont structurées autour de cinq thèmes de recherche scientifique.
  • Il compte actuellement 38 chercheurs dont 17 enseignants chercheurs de différents grades et un directeur de recherche (CRTI).
  • Il contribue à la formation des formateurs par la recherche et propose ses compétences aux entreprises opérant dans le secteur des Hydrocarbures et autres établissements concernés par son champ d’activités.
  • Relations de collaboration sont entretenues avec les entreprises concernées à travers les projets de recherche du type PNR en commun accord et en intégrant des membres dans la composante des équipes de recherche.
  • Des relations sont établies avec des centres de recherche à travers des sujets de thèses de Doctorat et co-direction de thèses (CRTI-CDTA-CRND).
  • Relations avec un laboratoire étranger à travers un  projet CMEP.
  • Outre les activités de recherche, le staff du LFEPM contribuent à la définition et à la réalisation de programmes d’études des offres de formation masters initiés par le Département de Transport et Equipements des Hydrocarbures.
  • Elaboration d’une formation doctorale en vue du recrutement de jeunes chercheurs dans le cadre de thèses.

Adresse : Faculté des Hydrocarbures et de la Chimie, Université M’Hamed Bougara de Boumerdès.

Email : lfepm@univ-boumerdes.dz

Tél./Fax : 024795268

BENBRIK Abderrahmane a obtenu son diplôme d’ingénieur en mécanique chantiers pétroliers à l’institut national des hydrocarbures et de la chimie, à Boumerdès, en juin 1982. Il a eu son doctorat PhD à l’Institut GOUBKINE de pétrole et du gaz, Moscou, Russie en 1987. Il est actuellement professeur au département de transport et des équipements d’hydrocarbures de la Faculté des Hydrocarbures et de la Chimie de l’Université M’Hamed Bougara à Boumerdès, Algérie. Ses intérêts de recherche et d’enseignement sont dans les sciences thermiques/fluides et les équipements de forage et production des hydrocarbures.


  • Contribution à la formation post-graduée et perfectionnement des personnels d’entreprises dans les domaines du génie mécanique et l’exploitation des hydrocarbures.
  • Offre de service dans la caractérisation mécanique et tribologique des matériaux et pièces de machines.
  • Offre de consultations sur l’expertise et la gestion technique des équipements industriels afin d’améliorer la disponibilité (fiabilité, maintenabilité) et la sécurité de ces biens.
  • Contribution à la résolution des problèmes théoriques et pratiques de réduction de frottement et de l’usure dans les machines et équipements pétroliers en vue d’augmenter leur fiabilité, longévité et rendement.
  • Contribution à l’étude du comportement des matériaux et des équipements travaillant dans les milieux agressifs et hydrocarbonés, en particulier le pétrole et gaz naturel et leurs dérivées, et recherche de solutions de lutte contre la corrosion, la fissuration et la rupture par fatigue de ces équipements.
  • Contribution à la résolution des problèmes de résistance mécanique, de rigidité et de stabilité des pièces et structures responsables des défaillances des équipements pétroliers.
  • Maîtrise et développement des techniques modernes d’évaluation de la sûreté de fonctionnement (fiabilité, longévité, maintenabilité et sécurité) des machines, équipements industriels et leurs organes.
  • Modélisation numérique des écoulements de convection naturelle, mixte et double diffusion avec ou sans présence du rayonnement.
  • Contribution à la résolution de problèmes de thermique et de mécanique des fluides en présence de milieux semi transparent.

Equipes de recherche :

  • Responsable : DJEMA Mohamed Amine
  • Thématique de recherche : Maintenance et diagnostic des équipements pétroliers
  • responsable : ABDELBAKI Noureddine
  • Thématique de recherche : Fiabilité de résistance des matériaux et structures
  • responsable : GACEB Mohamed
  • Thématique de recherche : Comportement et Technologie des Matériaux
  • responsable : HADJADJ Ahmed
  • Thématique de recherche : Modélisation et optimisation de la fiabilité des systèmes
  • responsable : BENBRIK Abderrahmane
  • Thématique de recherche : Modélisation et Optimisation des Systèmes Thermiques.

Listes des publications et communications depuis 2015

Responsable : Dr. DJEMA Mohamed Amine

Domaines scientifiques d’intérêts : développement des techniques de prévision des pannes, dans le cadre d’une maintenance préventive des équipements pétroliers, qui se traduit par la définition de plans d’actions et des interventions sur ces équipements. Expertise industrielle.

Publications :

  1. Younsi, A. Smati, Intrinsic availability assessment of aged gas transmission pipeline using bayesian update and stochastic process modeling. J. NAT GAS SCI. ENG., 2017. 45, 659-669


  1. Benseghier, M. Bettayeb, E Bouali, A. Gaceb. Probabilistic approach evaluates reliability of pipelines with corrosion defects, J. OIL GAS J, 2017, Volume-115, issue-1. Journal.


  1. Benseghier, M. Bettayeb, J. Abilio De Jesus, R. Calcada. Structural reliability of corroded pipeline using the so-called Separable Monte Carlo method. J Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2018, Volume: 53 issue: 8, pages: 730-737..


  1. A. Djema, O. Zhortuylov, D. Saidi. Feed Rate and the Pinch of the Cutting Mechanism with Double Strokes Knives, Journal : J. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2016, Vol-2, Issue-12, pp.296-300


  1. Saidi, M. Bouaziz, A. Babichev, M. A. Djema, K. Hamouda. Improving Surface Roughness of Steel Parts XC48 by Tribofinishing Process, J. Defect and Diffusion Forum.


  1. Guillal, N. Abdelbaki, M. Bensghier, M. Betayeb, B. Kopei. Effect of shape factor on structural reliability analysis of a surface cracked pipeline-parametric study, J. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity) 2019, (49), pp341-349.


  1. Belkacem, N Abdelbaki, M Gaceb , E Bouali. Drill String Fatigue Failure and Lockup Risks Assessment in Tortuous Trajectory Well in Algeria, J. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS.2017.Vol. 61, pp. 1099-1104.


Communications :

  1. K. Younsi. Gestion de l’intégrité des pipelines d’hydrocarbures sur la base de simulations par processus gamma des cinétiques de corrosion.

International seminar on the apport of the simulation in technological innovation (SIASIT, 2017).

  1. D. Halimi. Application of Bayesian networks for the maintenance function during the oil well drilling process. The 2nd International Workshop on Signal Processing  Applied to Rotating Machinery Diagnostics   »  SIGPROMD 2018″.


  1. N. Abdelbaki Reliability approach to the study of resistance of the oil transport pipelines rehabilitated by composite materials. 22th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2016 & Press 2016 Prague, 27-31 August 2016.


  1. L. Belkacem. Investigation about the limit for using the supeficially treated 2024 aluminum alloy by anodizing in steel drilling string to deal with fatigue issues. International Scientific and Technical Conference “Machines, Equipment and Materials for Oil and Gas Production Increase and Delivery Diversification”, Ivano-Frankivsk May16-20,2016.


  1. M. Bettayeb. Etude de la fiabilité des canalisations de transport d’hydrocarbures corrodées, estimation et analyse de sensibilité. 3èmeConférence Internationale de Mécanique ( I.C.M’ 2017) 26 – 27 Avril 2017.


  1. M. E. Benseghier. Analysis of the corrosion defects growth in oil and gas pipelines based on the Markov process. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAM 17) 19-21 December 2017, Istanbul –Turquie.


  1. M. E. Benseghier. Effect of crack shape factor on structural reliability of cracked pipeline-parametric study. Fourth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics, « Trends on Fracture and Environment » 26-29 November 2018 à Chlef, Algeria.


  1. M. A. Djema. Improvement of the cutting mechanism Performance and productivity of mower. International Conference on Innovative Research in Science, Technology


  1. M. A. Djema. An energy saving machine for harvesting the leaf mass and fodder seeds, and the technical medium for implementation. V International Scientific Congress-Agricultural Machinery.


  1. K. Younsi. Simulation dynamique et analyse RAMS des dispositifs de depressurisation des gazoducs. 11èmes Journées scientifiques et techniques de sonatrach (JST11, 2018).


  1. M. E. Benseghier. Study of the structural reliability of corroded pipeline using Separable Monte Carlo method. The first Arab Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ARCME’17) 11-12 December 2017 Biskra.


12. M. E. Benseghier. L’analyse fiabiliste d’un pipeline corrodé selon différentes normes en tenant compte de l’effet de corrélation des variables de base. Eleventh Scientific and Technical days of SONATRACH, JST11 16 to 19 April 2018, Oran-Algeria.

Responsable : Pr. ABDELBAKI Noureddine

Domaines scientifiques d’intérêts : Fiabilité de résistance des matériaux et structures. Amélioration de la sureté de fonctionnement et de la durée de vie des équipements et installations pétrolières, en fonction des conditions d’exploitation et des matériaux utilisés. Résolution des problèmes de résistance mécanique, de rigidité et de stabilité des pièces et structures des équipements pétroliers et recherche de solutions de lutte contre la corrosion, la fissuration et la rupture par fatigue dans ces équipements. Maitrise des problèmes de réparation de pipelines et technologie de réalisation de remise en état du tube, dans le but d’améliorer la maintenance des équipements et installations de transport.Etude de la fatigue-érosion dues au phénomène de l’interaction fluide-structure dans les équipements et installations des hydrocarbures.

Publications :

  1. L. Belkacem, N. Abdelbaki, J. L. Otegui, M. Gaceb, M. Bettayeb. Using superficially treated 2024 aluminum alloy drill pipe to delay failure during dynamic loading. Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 104, Pages 261-273, 2019.
  2. A. Guillal, N. Abdelbaki, M. A. Ben seghier, M. Bettayeb, B. Kopei. Effect of shape factor on structural reliability analysis of a surface cracked pipeline-parametric study. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 13 (49) : 341-349, 2019.
  3. A. Guillal, N. Abdelbaki, M. Gaceb, M. Bettayeb. Effects of Martensite-Austenite Constituents on Mechanical Properties of Heat Affected Zone in High Strength Pipeline Steels-Review. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 70, 583-588, 2018.
  4. M. A. Ben seghier, M. Bettayeb, J. Correia, A. De Jesus, R. Calcada.  Structural reliability of corroded pipeline using the so-called Separable Monte Carlo method. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, Vol 53, Issue 8, 2018.
  5. M. A. Ben seghier, M. Bettayeb, E. Bouali, M.Gaceb. Probabilistic approach evaluates reliability of pipelines with corrosion defects. Oil & Gas Journal, volume-115, issue-1, 2017.
  6. L. Belkacem, N. Abdelbaki, M. Gaceb, E. Bouali,M. Bettayeb. Drill String Fatigue Failure and Lockup Risks Assessment in Tortuous Trajectory Well in Algeria. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 61, 2017
  7. L. Belkacem, N. Abdelbaki, M. Gaceb, E. Bouali,M. Bettayeb. Integrating Superficially Treated 2024 Aluminum Alloy in Steel Drill String to Deal with Fatigue Problem in Crooked Trajectory for Vertical deep wel. Springer Proceedings in Energy ,2016
  8. M. Bettayeb, M. Gaceb, N. Abdelbaki, E. Bouali. Pipeline test finds Monte Carlo simulation superior to FORM. Oil & Gas Journal  volume-113, issue-1, 2015.
  9. N. Abdelbaki, E. Bouali, M. Gaceb, M. Bettayeb, R. Bouzid. Evaluation and Control of the Reliability of Weld Joints in Petroleum Products Transportation Pipelines. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 45, 2015.
  10. L. Belkacem, N. Abdelbaki, M. Gaceb, E. Bouali, A. Hadjadj, M. Bettayeb. Tensile and torsional loads stress distribution along the drill string for deep wells. Springer Proceedings in Energy, 2015.

Communications :

  1. Guillal A., Abdelbaki N., Ben seghier M. A., Correia J., De jesus A. Sensitivity of reliability-based fatigue analysis to crack shape development in cracked pipeline. First International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Safety of Complex Structures and Components, Porto, Portugal 1-2 July 2019.


  1. Ben seghier M. A., Fah tee K., Keshtegar b. , Guillal A. , Bettayeb M. Comparative investigation of pressurized corroded pipeline burst pressure taking into account the effect of defects shape and orientation. The 8th international symposium on hydrocarbons and chemistry « ISHC8 », Boumerdes, 8-10 April 2019.


  1. Rouabhi A., Khoumari S. Dynamic analysis of elastic deformations of a pipeline interacting with the soil. The 8th international symposium on hydrocarbons and chemistry « ISHC8 », Boumerdes, 8-10 April 2019.


  1. Guillal A., Abdelbaki N., Bettayeb M., Gaceb M. Effects of Martensite-Austenite Constituents on Mechanical Properties of Heat Affected Zone in High Strength Pipeline Steels-Review. 23th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2018 & Press 2018 Prague, 25-29 August 2018 Prague-Czech Republic.


  1. Belkacem L., Abdelbaki N., Otegui J. L., Gaceb m., Bettayeb M. Using superficially treated 2024 aluminum alloy drill pipe to delay failure during dynamic loading. Eighth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis8th-11th July 2018, Budapest-Hungary.


  1. Guillal A., Abdelbaki N., Ben seghier M. A., Bettayeb M. Effect of crack shape factor on structural reliability of cracked pipeline-parametric study. Fourth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics, Trends on Fracture and Environment, 26-29 November 2018 à Chlef, Algerie.


  1. Halimi Dj., Bouzid R. Application of Bayesian networks for the improvement of the maintenance function during the oil well drilling process. 2nd International Workshop on signal Processing Applied to Rotating Machinery Diagnostic SIGPROMD’ 2018 Djelfa on 29-30 April 2018 Algeria.


  1. Bouzid R., Bettayeb M., Halimi Dj.Analyse des marges de la pression lors d’un essai hydrostatique en tenant compte du caractère probabiliste des charges. 2nd International Workshop on signal Processing Applied to Rotating Machinery Diagnostic SIGPROMD’ 2018 Djelfa on 29-30 April 2018 Algeria.


  1. Ben seghier M. A., Bettayeb M., Bouali E. L’analyse fiabiliste d’un pipeline corrodé selon différentes normes en tenant compte de l’effet de corrélation des variables de base. Eleventh Scientific and Technical days of SONATRACH, JST11 16 to 19 April 2018, Oran-Algeria.


  1. Ben seghier M. A., Bettayeb M., Bouali E. Study of the structural reliability of corroded pipeline using Separable Monte Carlo method. The first Arab Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ARCME’17) 11-12 December 2017 Biskra- Algerie.


  1. Bettayeb M., Abdelbaki N., Bouali E. Etude de la fiabilité des canalisations de transport d’hydrocarbures corrodées, estimation et analyse de sensibilité. 3ème Conférence Internationale de Mécanique ( I.C.M’ 2017) 26 – 27 Avril 2017, Annaba –Algerie.


  1. Bettayeb M., Bouzid R., Abdelbaki N., Gaceb M. Study of Reliability of Pipelines Rehabilitated by Composite Materials by FORM Method. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAM 17) 19-21 December 2017, Istanbul – Turkey.


  1. Ben seghier M. A., Bouali E., Bettayeb M. Analysis of the corrosion defects growth in oil and gas pipelines based on the markov process. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAM 17) 19-21 December 2017, Istanbul – Turkey.


  1. Belkacem L., Abdelbaki N., Gaceb M., Bouali E., Bettayeb M. Drill String Fatigue Failure and Lockup Risks Assessment in Tortuous Trajectory Well in Algeria. 20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES’17), 21-24 August 2017,Tianjin-China.


  1. Rouabhi A. Complex rigid-plastic deformation model of two degree of freedom mechanical system under impulsive force. 11 th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant engineering structures, ERES 2017 5-7 july Alicante-Spain.


  1. Abdelbaki N., Bettayeb M., Gaceb M., Bouali E., Bouzid R. Reliability approach to the study of resistance of the oil transport pipelines rehabilitated by composite materials. 22th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2016 & Press 2016 Prague – Czech Republic.


  1. Belkacem L., Abdelbaki N., Gaceb M., Bouali E., Bettayeb M., Hadjadj A. Investigation about the limit for using the supeficially treated 2024 aluminum alloy by anodizing in steel drilling string to deal with fatigue issues. International Scientific and Technical Conference “Machines, Equipment and Materials for Oil and Gas Production Increase and Delivery Diversification”, Ivano-Frankivsk May 16-20, 2016, Ukraine.


  1. Rouabhi A. Solidification Front of wound thick-Walled Cylinder. International Symposium on Aircraft Materials ACMA 2016 May 11-13, 2016, Agadir, Morocco.


  1. Rouabhi A. Optimization of thick Walled cylindrical tubes subject to pressures. International Symposium on Aircraft Materials ACMA 2016 May 11-13, 2016, Agadir, Morocco.


  1. Belkacem L., Abdelbaki N., Gaceb M., Bouali E., Hadjadj A., Bettayeb M. Integrating superficially treated 2024 aluminum alloy in steel drill string to deal with fatigue problem in crooked trajectory for vertical deep well. 3rdInternational Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials –ENEFM, Sentido Lykia Resort, Oludeniz, Turkey October 19-23, 2015.


  1. Abdelbaki N., Bouali E., Gaceb M., Bettayeb M., Bouzid R. Evaluation and control of reliability of weld joints in petroleum products transportation pipelines. PRES 15, The 18 th Conference of process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 23-27 August 2015, Sarawk-Malaysia.
  2. Bouzid R. Halimi Dj. Fiabilité des canalisations de transport des hydrocarbures soumises à des dégradations continues. 1st International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics ICAAID 2015, 29-30 Mars 2015, Djelfa Algeria

Responsable : Pr. GACEB Mohamed

Domaines scientifiques d’intérêts : Comportement et Technologie des Matériaux ; Technologie des surfaces ; Nanosciences et nanotechnologie ; Fatigue, Endommagement et Rupture des matériaux ; Fiabilité et maintenance des installations pétrolières;  Expertise industrielle, Santé et dégradation des équipements, soudage, revêtements et couches minces.

Publications :

  1. Bettayeb, N.Abdelbaki, M.Gaceb, E.Bouali, Pipeline test finds Monte Carlo superior to FORM,Oil and Gas Journal Vol. 113 Issue 1, (2015) 80-85
  2. Belkacem,N. Abdelbaki, M. Gaceb, E. Bouali, A. Hadjaj, M. Bettayeb, Tensile and torsional loads stress distribution alongthe drill string for deep wells, Springer Proceedings in Energy, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, 2015.  DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-16901-9_70, 567-58
  3. Noureddine Abdelbaki, Elahmoune Bouali, Mohamed Gaceb, Mourad Bettayeb, Rachid Bouzid,Evaluation and Control of the reliability of Weld Joints in Petroleum Products Transportation Pipelines,Chemical Engineering Transactions 45 (2015) 195-1950
  4. K Bettahar, M Bouabdallah, R Badji, M Gaceb, C Kahloun, B Bacroix,Microstructure and mechanical behavior in dissimilar 13Cr/2205 stainless steel welded pipes, Materials and Design 85 (2015) 221-229
  5. Lallia Belkacem, Noureddine Abdelbaki, Mohamed Gaceb, Elahmoun Bouali, Mourad Bettayeb, Drill String Fatigue Failure and Lockup Risks Assessment in Tortuous Trajectory Well in Algeria, Chemical Engineering Transactions 61 (2017) 1099-1104
  6. Benseghier, M. Bettayeb, E. Bouali, M. Gaceb,Probabilistic approach evaluates reliability of pipelines with corrosion defects, OIL GAS J, Vol.115, issue-1 (2017)
  7. Bloul, B. Aour, R. Harhout, Measurement default diagnostics of a roughness meter with TS100 head using a rectified specimen and solved by fuzzy logic estimator, INT J ADV MANUF TECH, Vol. 92 Issue 1-4 (2017), 673-684
  8. Bloul, S. Hamou, M. Bourdim Geometric analysis of the influence of perpendicularity of a spindle axis of the milling machine on the surface quality, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, Vol. 9(3)(2017), 1–8
  9. Abdelkader Guillal, Noureddine Abdelbaki, Mohamed Gaceb, Mourad Bettayeb, Effects of Martensite-Austenite constituents on Mechanical Properties of Heat Affected Zone in High Strength Pipeline Steels-Review, Chemical Engineering Transactions70 (2018) 583-588
  10. I Hadji, R Badji, M Gaceb, N Kherrouba, L Rabahi, Investigation of the Effect of Aluminum Alloy Position on Residual Stresses in Dissimilar fsw Weld by using the Ultrasonic Method, 2018IOP Conf. Ser.:Mater. Sci. Eng.461 012022
  11. BELKACEM Lallia, ABDELBAKI Noureddine, OTEGUI Jose Luis, GACEB Mohamed, BETTAYEB Mourad Using a superficially treated 2024 aluminum alloy drill pipe to delay failure during dynamic loading, Engineering Failure Analysis, 104 (2019), 261-273
  12. Sabri, M.O. Si Chaib , M. Gaceb, Lifetime extension prediction of the rejuvenated first stage gas turbine blades, Materials Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02670836.2019.1681157


  1. Abdelbaki, M. Bettayeb, M. Gaceb, E. Bouali, R. Bouzid, Reliability approach to the study of resistance of the oil transport pipelines rehabilitated by composite materials, 22th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2016 & Press 2016, 21-27 August, Prague, Czech Republichttp://www.chisa.cz/2016/
  2. Lallia Belkacem, Noureddine Abdelbaki , Mohamed Gaceb , Elahmoun Bouali , Mourad Bettayeb, Drill String Fatigue Failure and Lockup Risks Assessment in Tortuous Trajectory Well in Algeria, 20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES’17), 21-24 August2017, Tianjin-China
  3. GUILLAL Abdelkader, ABDELBAKI Noureddine, BETTAYEB Mourad, GACEB Mohamed,Effects of Martensite-Austenite Constituents on Mechanical Properties of Heat Affected Zone in High Strength Pipeline Steels-Review, 23th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2018 & Press 2018, 25-29 August 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.http://2018.chisa.cz/home
  4. Abderrahmane ABDERRAHMANE, Mohamed GACEB, Khireddine BETTAHAR Mechanical behavior and microstructure of gas pipelines welded joints achieved with hybrid welding process, 9th International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Science Congress & Exhibition, Oludeniz Turkey October 22-28, 2019 http://www.apmascongress.org/
  5. Atmani, M. Gaceb, H. Aknouche, C Nouveau and M. S. Bouamrene, Study of nanocrystalline TiN/CrN multilayer coatings obtained by the reactive magnetron sputtering technique,The 8th international symposium on hydrocarbons and chemistry « ISHC8 », Boumerdes, 8-10 April 2019, http://ishc8.univ-boumerdes.dz/
  6. CHEMAA, S. HASSANI and M. GACEB, Tribological behaviors of Ti-W-N thin film for diesel engines applications,The 8th international symposium on hydrocarbons and chemistry « ISHC8 », Boumerdes, 8-10 April 2019, http://ishc8.univ-boumerdes.dz/
  7. HARHOUT, M. GACEB, S. HADDAD, B. BLOUL, Analysis and optimization the effect of cutting parameters on surface integrity in turning:experimental validation,The 8th international symposium on hydrocarbons and chemistry « ISHC8 », Boumerdes, 8-10 April 2019, http://ishc8.univ-boumerdes.dz/
  8. Atmani, M. Gaceb, H. Aknouche, C. Nouveau and M.S. Bouamrene, Investigations sur le Comportement Tribologique Des Multicouches TiN/CrN Deposees Par Procede PVD,4th International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development (ISMSD 2019), 12-14 Nov 2019, Boumerdes, Algeria, https://www.clocate.com/conference/international-symposium-on-materials-and-sustainable-development-ismsd/83811/
  9. Khaled Chemaa, Salim Hassani, Mohamed Gaceb, Tribological study of Al-Si and Ti-W-N multilayer thin films deposited on stainless steel,The 4th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics and Energy « Trends on Fracture and Environment » 26-29 November 2018. Chlef Algeria, https://www.univ-chlef.dz/fract4/index.php
  10. I Hadji, R Badji, M Gaceb, N Kherrouba, L Rabahi, Investigation of the Effect of Aluminum Alloy Position on Residual Stresses in Dissimilar FSW Weld by Using the Ultrasonic Method,5th International Conference COMAT 2018 « Recent trends in structural materials, 14-16 November 2018, Pilsen, Czech Republic, http://www.fems.org/event/5th-international-conference-comat-2018-recent-trends-structural-materials
  11. Bloul, M.Gaceb, R.Harhout, B.Aour, Analysis of the influence of milling cutter with different number of teeth on the quality of the surface finish of a workpiece obtained by the milling process,International Mechanical Engineering and Technologies Conference MECHATECH 16, 17 may, 2016, https://www.clocate.com/conference/mechatech-16-international-mechanical-engineering-and-technologies-conference/58423/
  12. Harhout, M. Gaceb, B. Bloul, Amélioration des caractéristiques mécaniques des surfaces par nitruration, procédé technologique du plasma à froid, 3ieme conférence international de mécanique ICM’2017 26, 27 Avril 2017, Annaba, http://www.univ-annaba.dz/relations-exterieures/manifestations-scientifiques/manifestation-nationale/item/515-icm-2017
  13. Lalia Belkacem, Noureddine Abdelbaki, Jose Luis Otegui, Mohamed Gaceb, Mourad Bettayeb Using a surface treated 2024 aluminum alloy drill pipe to delay failure during dynamic loading, Eighth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis ICEFA VIII, 8th-11th July 2018, Budapest, Hungary, https://www.elsevier.com/icefa-conference
  14. BETTAYEB Mourad, BOUZID Rachid, ABDELBAKI Noureddine, GACEB Mohamed,Study of Reliability of Pipelines Rehabilitated by Composite Materials by FORM Method, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME2017) 19-21 December 2017, Istanbul –TURQUIE, http://icame2017conference.com/
  15. Lalia Belkacem, Noureddine Abdelbaki, Mohamed Gaceb, Elahmoun Bouali, Mourad Bettayeb, Hadjadj Ahmed,Investigation about the limit for using the supeficially treated 2024 aluminum alloy by anodizing in steel drilling string to deal with fatigue issues, International Scientific and Technical Conference “Machines, Equipment and Materials for Oil and Gas Production Increase and Delivery Diversification”, Ivano-Frankivsk May 16-20, 2016, Ukraine.https://nung.edu.ua/en/event/international-scientific-and-technical-conference-and-exhibition-machines-equipment-and
  16. Bloul, H, Chanal, R. Harhout, Modeling of geometric free form surface defects by artificial intelligence: applications to Turbine blades, 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering ICAME2019, 17-19 December 2019, Istanbul, http://icame2019conference.com/
  17. Khaled Chemaa, Salim Hassani, Mohamed Gaceb, Structural and mechanical characterizations of Al-Si thin film deposited on 304 stainless steel, 1ères Journées Scientifiques sur les Sciences et l’Engineering, JSSE’18, Décembre 9-10, 2018,http://www.enp-constantine.dz/jsse18/
  18. Khaled Chemaa, Salim Hassani, Mohamed Gaceb, Structural, mechanical and tribological characterization of Al-Si thin film, 8èmes Journées de Chimie, JCh8 JSSE’18, March 26-27, 2019, EMP Bordj El-Bahri, Algiers,http://www.emp.mdn.dz/events/jch/

responsable : Pr. HADJADJ  Ahmed

Domaines scientifiques d’intérêts : Optimisation des procédés utilisés dans les différents segments de la chaine pétrolière (Amont, Aval, Transport et Economie). Aussi, l’analyse de la fiabilité, diagnostic des pannes et la durabilité des équipements.  Expertise industrielle.


[1] A. Hadjadj and S. Maamir  » Comparative studies of heat transfer between two vertical concentric cylinders for three configurations,  » International Journal of Ambient Energy, Vol. 37, n°2, pp. 143-148, 2016.



[2] N. Haddoum, A. Hadjadj and A. Benmounah       » Study assesses materials to minimize mud losses in Algeria’s Hassi Messaoud field  » Oil and Gas  Journal, Vol. 114 N°3, pp. 48-55, 2016.


[3] A. Hadjadj and S. Maamir  » Laminar mixed convection in two concentric vertical cylinders, » International Journal of Chemoinformatics and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5, N° 1, pp. 24-43, 2016.


[4] A. Bekraoui  and A. Hadjadj          » An overview of thermal mass flowmeters applicability in oil and gas industry, » Energy Procedia, Vol. 141, pp. 299-303, 2017.


[5] A. Bekraoui, A. Hadjadj, A. Benmounah and M. Oulhadj           » Uncertainty Study of Fiscal Orifice Meter used in a Gas Algerian Field, » Flow Measurement and Instrumentation  journal,Vol. 66, pp. 200-208, 2019.


[6] M.A. Ghriga, M.L. Khelifi, A. Hadjadj and S. Belhocine               » Assisted History Matching using Evolution Strategy Algorithm, » Petroleum & Coal journal,Vol. 61, N°1, pp. 64-73, 2019.


[7] N. Rebai, A. Hadjadj, A. Benmounah, A.S. Berrouk, S. M. Boualleg       » Prediction of natural gas hydrates formation using a combination of thermodynamic and neural network modeling, »Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Vol. 182, 2019.


[8] H. Ferroudji, A. Hadjadj, A. Haddad, and T. N. Ofei     » Numerical study of parameters affecting pressure drop of power-law fluid in horizontal annulus for laminar and turbulent flows, »Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology,Volume 9, Issue 4, pp 3091–3101,2019.


[9] H. Ferroudji, A. Hadjadj, T. N. Ofei  and A. Haddad  » Effects of the Inner Pipe Rotation and Rheological Parameters on the Axial and Tangential Velocity Profiles and Pressure Drop of Yield Power-Law Fluid in Eccentric Annulus. » Petroleum Drilling Techniques, Issue 5, 2019.


[10] H. Ferroudji, A. Hadjadj, T. N. Ofei, A. M. Rahman, I. Hassan and A. Haddad  » CFD method for analysis of the effect of drill pipe orbital motion speed and eccentricity on the velocity profiles and pressure drop of drilling fluid in laminar regime, « Petroleum and Coal, 61(5) 1241-1251, 2019.


[11] H. Ferroudji, A. Hadjadj, T. N. Ofei, A. M. Rahman, I. Hassan and A. Haddad  » The Impact Of Orbital Motion Of Drill Pipe On Pressure Drop of non-Newtonian Fluids In Eccentric Annulus. «  Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Vol. 65,2020.


[12B. Mahfoud, A. Laouari, A. Hadjadj and H. Benhacine  » Counter-rotating flow in coaxial cylinders under an axial magnetic field, »European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids,Vol. 78, pp.139-146, 2019.


Communications :

[1] M. Oulhadj, A. Hadjadj, A. Bekraoui and A. Harrouz  » Comparative analysis of different transactional gas metering systems used by Sonatrach and its partners, ”International Conference on Clean Energy, ICCE 15,14-16 September, pp. 18-27, Ottawa, Canada, 2015. ISBN:  978-1-77136-387-7


[2] A. Bekraoui, A. Hadjadj, M. Oulhadj and A. Harrouz  » Theoretical and numerical study of thermal flow meters,International Conference on Clean Energy, ICCE 15,14-16 September, Ottawa, Canada, 2015.ISBN:  978-1-77136-387-7


[3] A. Bekraoui, A. Hadjadj, M. Oulhadj and A.Harrouz  » Thermal mass flow meter and their uses in transactional gas measurement process, ”13th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization,15-18 November, pp. 90-99, Doha, Qatar, 2015.


[4] M. Oulhadj, A.Harrouz, A. Bekraoui and A.Hadjadj  » Analysis and control of fuel metering systems”IV European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, 07-10 octobre, Antalya, Turquie, 2015.     


[5]  A. Hadjadj  » Proposal of optimal system for transactional hydrocarbons metering,”5nd AIG (Algerian association of gas industries) Symposium, Algiers, 16-17 February, 2016.


[6] D. Chibouti and A. Hadjadj  » Numerical study of pressure distribution at Hassi-Messaoud oil field using finite volume method, International Conference on Clean Energy, ICCE 16 , August, 22-24, pp. 15-27, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2016.ISBN 978-1-77136-463-8


[7] A. Bekraoui, A. Hadjadj, M.Oulhadj and A. Harrouz  » Architecture of a CTA Thermal Hot wire Anemometer”2016, International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), IEEE Conference, November, 14-17, Marrakech, Morocco, 2016.


[8] A. Bekraoui and A. Hadjadj  » An Overview of Thermal Mass Flowmeters Applicability in Oil and Gas Industry”4th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE 2017, 25-29 September, Berlin, Germany, 2017.


[9] H. Ferroudji, A. Hadjadj, T. N. Ofei and  A. Haddad  » Effect of the inner pipe rotation and rheological parameters on the axial and tangential velocity profiles in horizontal eccentric annulus,”Fourth international Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energetic and Pollution, ICEMAEP, April, 29-30, Constantine, Algeria, 2018.


[10] H. Ferroudji, A. Hadjadj, T. N. Ofei and  A. Haddad  » Numerical Study of Parameters affecting pressure drop of Power-Law fluid in horizontal annulus”Fifth International conference on oil and gas engineering and technology (ICOGET), August, 13-15,  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2018.


[11] A. Bekraoui and A. Hadjadj  » Modeling of thermal flow sensor used for thermal mass flowmeter”International conference on electronics, energy, and measurement (IC2EM-2018), November, 27-29, Algiers, Algeria, 2018.


[12] H. Ferroudji, A. Hadjadj, T. N. Ofei, A. M. Rahman, and A. Haddad  » CFD method for analysis of parameters affecting pressure drop gradient of drilling fluid in laminar regime with orbital motion of the drill pipe, « 8th International Symposium on Hydrocarbons and Chemistry ISHC8,  April 8-10, Boumerdes, Algeria, 2019.


 [13] H. Ferroudji, A. Hadjadj, A. M. Rahman, I. Hassan and T. N. Ofei  » CFD method for helically buckled drill pipe on pressure drop of yield power-law fluid in annulus, »The Third International Computational Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC19), October 21-22, Doha, Qatar, 2019.


[14] H. Ferroudji, A. Hadjadj, A. M. Rahman, I. Hassan and T. N. Ofei «Numerical study of parameters affecting pressure drop of power-law fluid in horizontal annulus for laminar and turbulent flows »,3ème Conférence internationale sur la Mécanique des Matériaux et des Structures, 13-15 Novembre , Marrakech, MAROC ,2019.

Equipe 5 : Responsable : Pr. Benbrik Abderrahmane

Domaines scientifiques d’intérêts :

Modélisation numérique des écoulements de convection naturelle, mixte et double diffusionen fluide sans ou avec absorption et émission du rayonnement (milieux semi transparents).

Le champ d’application des recherches recouvre l’optimisation et contrôle des transferts dans les  installations énergétiques pétrolières (stockage des hydrocarbures, turboforeuse, échangeurs de chaleur, fours, chaudières et l’expertise industrielle.


  1. S. Laouar-Meftah, D. Lemonnier, D. Saury, A. Benbrik, M. Cherifi.. Comparative Study of Radiative Effects on Double Diffusive Convection in Nongray Air-CO2 Mixtures in Cooperating and Opposing Flow. Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2015, 17 pages Site: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/586913
  1. M. Cherifi, S. Laouar-Meftah, A. Benbrik, D. Lemonnier, D. Saury. Interaction of radiation with double diffusive natural convection in a three dimensional cubic cavity filled with a non-gray gas mixture in cooperating cases. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 00, N°: 00, 1-18, 2016. Site: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10407782.2015.1090233
  1. M. Moderres, S.Abboudi, M. Ihdene, S. Aberkane, A. Ghezal. Numerical investigation of double-diffusive mixed convection in horizontal annulus partially filled with a porous medium. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 27 Issue: 4, pp.773-794. Site: https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-10-2015-0434


  1. M. Ihdene, T. Ben Malek, S. Aberkane, M. Mouderes, P. Spiterri and A. Ghezal.Analytical and Numerical Study of the Evaporation on Mixed Convection in a Vertical Rectangular Cavity. Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, Vol.13, no.2, pp.85-105, 2017. Copyright © 2017 Tech Science Press.


  1. T.Benmalek, F.Souidi, M.Moderres, B.Yassad and S.Abboudi. Mixed Convection of Bingham Fluid in a Two Sided Lid-Driven Cavity Heated From Below. Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, Vol.15, no.2, pp.107-123, 2019. Copyright © 2017 Tech Science Press.


  1. R. Soualmi, A. Benbrik, M. Cherifi, D. Lemonnier, S. Laouar-Meftah. Etude numérique de la convection naturelle dans une enceinte rectangulaire en présence d’un gradient de température et une génération de chaleur interne. Revue des Energies Renouvelables Vol. 21 N°3 (2018) 403 – 413. https://www.cder.dz/spip.php?article4341



  1. M. Cherifi, A. Benbrik, S. Laouar-Meftah, D. Lemonnier. Effect of horizontal walls emissivity on coupled double diffusive convectionand non gray-gas radiation of air-H2O mixture in acooperating case. The Fifth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM-2015), Dubai, March 3-5, 2015. IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/IEOM.2015.7093758.


  1. S. Laouar-Meftah, D. Lemonnier, A. Benbrik, M. Cherifi. Buoyancy ratio effects on coupled radiation and double-diffusive convection in non-gray air-H2O mixtures. The Fifth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM-2015), Dubai, March 3-5, 2015.IEEE, DOI : 10.1109/IEOM.2015.7093863.


  1. M. Cherifi, A. Benbrik, D. Lemonnier, S. Laouar-Meftah. Interaction between double diffusive natural convection and radiation in a square enclosure with partially active vertical wall. 6th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, 24-29 May 2015, ISBN: 978-0-9855497-2-5


  1. M. Cherifi, A. Benbrik, S. Laouar-Meftah, D. Lemonnier. Non-gray gas radiation effect on mixed convection in lid driven square cavity. 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics, 26-28 january 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Doi: 10.1063/1.4952517


  1. R. Soualmi, A.Benbrik, M. Cherifi, D. Lemonnier. Effect of Inclination on Natural convection in Square Cavity. International Conference on Advanced Mechanics and Renewable Energies ICAMRE2018, November 28 & 29, 2018, Boumerdes– Algeria. https://www.cder.dz/spip.php?article4341


  1. R. Soualmi, A.Benbrik, M. Cherifi, D. Lemonnier. Comparison study of lattice Boltzmann and finite volume methods for natural convection simulation in square cavity. 4th International Conference On Advances In Mechanical Engineering Istanbul 2018, 19-21 December 2018. http://www.yildiz.edu.tr/events/6272/4th-International-Conference-on-Advances-in-Mechanical-Engineering
  1. K. Sahnoune, A. Benbrik. Flow simulation inside an axial downhole turbine. International Conference on Advanced Mechanics and Renewable Energies ICAMRE2018, November 28-29, 2018, Boumerdès – Algeria. https://icamre2018.sciencesconf.org


  1. M. Bouanani, A. Benbrik, M. Cherifi, D. Lemonnier. A Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection in an Inclined Square Enclosure with Conducting Body. International Conference on Advanced Mechanics and Renewable Energies ICAMRE2018, November 28-29, 2018, Boumerdès – Algeria. https://icamre2018.sciencesconf.org


  1. A. Laouti, S. Laouar-Meftah, D. Lemonnier, A. Benbrik. Etude numérique de la convection de double diffusion dans une cavité carrée hors hypothèse de Boussinesq. International Conference on Advanced Mechanics and Renewable Energies ICAMRE2018, November 28-29, 2018, Boumerdès – Algeria. https://icamre2018.sciencesconf.org


  1. R. Soualmi, A.Benbrik, M. Cherifi, D. Lemonnier, S. Laouar-Meftah. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Natural Convection with Different Aspect Ratio in an Enclosure Heated from One Vertical Side and Cooled from the Ceiling. The 8th International Symposium on Hydrocarbons and Chemistry ISHC8, April 8-10, 2019, Boumerdès – Algeria. http://ishc8.univ-boumerdes.dz/
  2. K. Sahnoune, A. Benbrik. Simulation de l’écoulement dans une turboforeuse. The 8th International Symposium on Hydrocarbons and Chemistry ISHC8, April 8-10, 2019, Boumerdès – Algeria. http://ishc8.univ-boumerdes.dz/


  1. M. Bouanani, A. Benbrik, M. Cherifi, D. Lemonnier. A Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection in an Inclined Square Cavity with Adiabatic Body. The 8th International Symposium on Hydrocarbons and Chemistry ISHC8, April 8-10, 2019, Boumerdès – Algeria. http://ishc8.univ-boumerdes.dz/